Mindset & a Safe Space
Mindset plays a big part in how pregnancy and birth unfold.
I tend to be a realist in life where I hope for the best but plan for the worst. I’m not a huge fan of the overbearing positivity we sometimes see in life. I feel I bring this to my practice because I believe it is best that pregnant people and their support team are prepared. I manifest positive processes and outcomes with my clients but I also inform them of the possibilities. I strongly feel that discussing the possibly what-ifs before hand leads to being able to make quick and informed decisions when they pop up unexpectedly. While in labor it can be hard to feel like you’re making a proper decision while having a surge of hormones running through your body in addition to the pain. So here lies my mindset of manifesting the best while planing for the options you have if your best doesn’t pan out.
Postpartum Mood Disorders/Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder
We’ve been starting to hear a lot more about postpartum depression. But sometimes that’s not what is being felt. Sometimes the feelings of anxiety, obsessive-compulsive tendencies and even rage are felt. PMAD can have a variety of symptoms that can go unnoticed or brushed off because they aren’t typical depression symptoms.